Katherine is a director, producer, and visual anthropologist whose first short documentary, a portrait of a rural strip club in a former boomtown in northern Michigan titled Big Bons, premiered at the Malibu Film Festival in 2020. She has worked as a contributing writer on Lucy Walker’s Bring Your Own Brigade (CBS News, 2021), field producer and supervising archival producer on Rachel Fleit’s Bama Rush (Max, 2023), and story producer on Alice Gu’s forthcoming feature doc Jaws. Additionally, she has produced feature documentaries and series for VICE Studios, HBO, The New York Times, Campfire Studios, Topic Studios, National Geographic, and YouTube, among others. She holds an M.A. in Visual Anthropology from the Freie Universität in Berlin, where her thesis work was on the strip club as a co-constructed community space. She is currently based in Topanga, CA.